Making THAT Threesome Happen Again

I want to be as optimistic as possible, and it’s a really good approach to things in sex, whether dealing with the harder issues like pregnancy and STIs, to dealing with erectile dysfunctions and debilitating body pains, which happen to everyone!

There are times, however, when the greatest optimism and hope cannot create the necessary magic power energy to connect essences. It’s not even about not giving up too soon, there’s just a point when you have to accept that it’s not the right time. And if it ever WAS the right time, it must be cherished and celebrated for the ONE moment it was, and you must never try to duplicate the magic again.

Some sexual situations are like astral alignments. I saw the Hale-Bopp Comet in the 90s, and also was alive for a passing of Halley’s Comet. That one apparently isn’t coming back around Earth for 76 YEARS. Will I be alive to see it? I optimistically hope to be! But honestly, I might not. Should I wait for it, or should I look for other astral alignments to delight my heart and body parts? Probably keep looking, like a smart astronomer.

I say ALL this to say: I had an FFM threesome once. (Actually it was a foursome! But I wasn’t into the guy who was there. He was cool though, and had the BIGGEST wang, but that’s not the point, LOL.) I really really really wanted it to happen again. The two women involved in this threesome were angels and sexual superstars who were individually angelic, but together—PARADISE, TWICE!

I tried multiple times to get us all in the same (bed)room, but they’re just too busy… and our schedules just won’t mesh. It’s been almost a year. I’ve been with both of them separately since, but not together sexually. We all hugged once on a dance floor and reminisced fondly… but it never came about. I think I will give up on it. Being with them separately is good enough.

Some threesomes are like astral alignments that only come ONCE IN A LIFETIME. Make sure you cherish them when they do occur. Love the starlight!

Yours truly,
Addi Stewart

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