Planning for Your Lover’s First Threesome

If you know me well (which I hope you have gotten to through my posts for this lovely blog), I hope you know the little things I believe. There are many new ways to look at sexuality and love and human connection, and I always like to rephrase and reframe things in new ways.

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One of the most lovely rephrasings I believe, is to perceive EVERY new sexual experience as a “sacrifice of a virginity.”

Everyone has infinite virginities, like getting infinite lives in Contra on the Nintendo Entertainment System, ha ha. You have eternal things to lose and gain in sexy love!

Every single time you do something new, you give a virginity away. So, penis-in-vagina sex is one virginity… but so is anal! And so is BDSM. And so is sex in public

And with this in mind, I present to you this week’s fun and delightful truth: I have been offered the chance to sacrifice someone’s threesome virginity—holy smokes!

Introducing someone to a threesome is a special and potentially dangerous experience, so if you are granted that special opportunity, choose wisely and move slowly.

I had a supremely delightful sex goddess in my life and began exploring new boundaries of sexuality and bliss with her. It was a dream come true 100%!

One of the revelations that came to light, is that she really had not completed a few of the Sexual Fantasy 101 little things in life before becoming the super goddess of mega-perfect connection she became to me within the first few times we started making magical heaven love. She really matched and outmatched me in some ways, even though I do sex professionally and I am a porn actor! It was a revelation to experience… a glorious one!

But now, we are going into new places. She’s never had a threesome! What kind of things should I ask for? I really want her to be in control. But I know she wants me to be!

There is a balance to find, of course. Primarily, it’s about finding the right woman for her first experience to be joyful and healthy enough to either never regret, or to repeat… often!

So, I will be talking to her, to see what variables I am blessed enough to decide for her. The threesome environment matters. The music does. The woman. The toys. The protection.

There are so many things to take into consideration when setting up someone’s first threesome. And to a degree, you can’t really overthink it. You CAN, but only when people are all ready and raring to go, and then hesitation starts pooping on the party, which just sucks. That’s different than waiting for the right time of the month, the right person, the right place, and the right mood to all be in alignment.

I’ll be sure to do my best for her!

The sex she’s having with me ALONE? If we add the right wonder woman to the superman meets superwoman sex we are already having—EXCELSIOR!!!

Better than my highest dream’s imagination…

In hope,
Addi Stewart

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