Sometimes, it’s a one-off deal. One Night Only! (If she works hard for the money, then you better treat her right, ha!) Some sexual encounters are not at all intended to be repeat affairs. You either make it happen, Captain, or you watch your dreams flash before your eyes, as you wonder why… but not I!
I dive into the pool whether or not I know the water is warm because my heart is full of love. If the water is clean and the weather is nice enough, my brave heart that is full of warmth, plus my knowledge and wisdom involving such adventures, is enough for me to warm the water when I dive in fearlessly, and find out where the stream of dreams takes me.
When those occasional-to-rare opportunities to do something with more than one person sexually, I try to explore the chance because you never know what will change when, with who, how and why. Especially why. Group situations are simply less frequent than others. Unless you have a VERY blessed situation, and if so, then love it til the wheels fall off, baby!
Those one-night-only (yeah, it’s still in my head. Boogaloo!) sex romps? Sometimes, they are tucked in the back pocket of the mind, and put away for safe keeping, and not revisited for anyone by any reason. Maybe it was a once-in-a-blue-moon excursion at a cottage between a bunch of people. Maybe it was at a wedding party in the tropics, and there will be no chance that everyone in that scenario will all be assembled like the Avengers to smash each other so marvelously.
BUT… what if someone HAS to bring it up again? What if someone, long after the sexy special rendezvous happens. What if someone says something somewhere to someone about something? What do you do? Some people clam the fuck up. Zip, zilch, nada. They say nothing, plead the fifth, and avoid all eye contact. I prefer the honest approach: simple basic facts.
If people really want to know some things for some other reasons that are not so clear, then I may choose to say, “Okay yeah, this happened. It was consensual. It was adult. It was safe, and it was satisfying. Thank you and may you experience the same.”
Sometimes, it will be a harmless request, and if one chooses, they can confirm or deny said session. But honestly, quite a number of threesomes are NOT discussed by the general public. They often are advanced and privileged sexual experiences to share. So, if you DO have one, and you are asked about it in some curious capacity… trust your instinct, and be sexy as you want to be with the answer.
Addi Stewart
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