10 Tips for Your First Sex Party

Sex parties may only be something you fantasize about, or maybe they’re a regular on your menu of delicious delicacies.

When I was younger, they were only something I’d see in movies. Now I live in a large metropolis that has many sex clubs where you can meet sexually adventurous folks who will hook you up to such parties!

Sex get-togethers (I’m not sure people even use the term orgy much anymore) are a real eye opener. They weren’t what I imagined them to be, that’s for sure. I’m going to share a few tips that will help if you are a sex-party virgin.

  1. Bring a friend or lover. I don’t think I would ever go to a sexy rendezvous without someone, and this is for reasons of comfortability and safety.
  2. Go in with no expectations. You probably have some thoughts on what to expect, like walking into a room full of naked people. The truth is you’re more likely to find people chatting and getting to know one another, at least early on in the evening.
  3. Be open minded. You will probably meet people who you wouldn’t necessarily in your day to day life. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore and spread your wings.
  4. Observe and learn. You don’t have to flirt, engage in foreplay or even sex. Take everything in by watching and making mental notes.
  5. Engage only when you’re ready. It’s fine to just want to engage in conversation and mild flirtation, especially if you’ve never participated in this kind of event. Stay true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to say you aren’t interested if someone makes a move.
  6. Stay present. The environment may be very overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to check in with yourself throughout the evening. Are you feeling insecure, turned on, or are you raring to go?
  7. Know the rules. These aren’t likely to be posted on the wall, but some parties will may send these in an invite email. Common sense will usually guide you if there are no explicit rules.
  8. Respect boundaries, yours and others. You might want to think about your own before going, what your hard limits are, before being confronted with them head on. And remember, just because it’s a sex party, it doesn’t mean every hot girl is DTF.
  9. Leave if you’re uncomfortable. Just like any situation anywhere in your life, you don’t have to stay if you don’t feel good. If you came with someone, just make sure to tell them, and ask if they are okay to stay by themselves or if they’d like to leave with you.
  10. Debrief with your friend or lover. There’s nothing like finding out someone else’s perspective on things. Either go for coffee the next day or engage in some pillow talk at home to discuss what you enjoyed and what you didn’t.

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