4 Tips for Hosting a Threesome at Home

So, you’ve had a few get togethers for a threeway at a hotel, and you all trust each other to start meeting at home. Or maybe you’ve hosted a hundred home orgies already. Maybe you’re new to the threesome thing altogether and could use some tips. No matter which, you want to keep those ladies coming back for more!

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No need to overthink things. Just get the basics right every time and it will be a smashing success.

1. Assure Discretion

The cardinal sin of indiscretion is more commonplace than you might think!

A younger friend told me how he blew his first home threeway by bragging about it on Facebook ahead of time. Since his buddies knew where he lived, they thought it was an open call to get in on the action. It was a small town, so it turned out one of the guys was a neighbor of the girl who answered the door.

It’s not just awkward—women’s security and safety is sometimes at stake.

If you want a safe society for women, a great reputation in the dating world, and repeat calls from lovers, make sure discretion is an absolute priority!

2. Guarantee Privacy

Once I was going down on a date at his place. I was kneeling in front of him, giving him deep throat, when I heard a shuffling in the hallway. I thought it was the dogs. But there was a poor old guy with a cane, looking distraught. Turned out Rob’s dad lived in the basement.

If you have roommates, make arrangements for them to be out and to stay out. No one likes surprises.

3. Clean Your Place

I’ve been to sex parties where the man had a show-off art collection, gold-plated ashtrays, and a closet full of Prada. But the martini glasses looked like they had never been washed,and the impressive thread count sheets smelled like yesterday’s girls.

Umm, no thanks!

Seriously. It’s simple. You need freshly laundered towels and sheets, clean dishes, and take some Ajax to that toilet. The whole thing. On your knees. Inside the bowl, outside of it, all over the seat, and the floor around it.

I know some guys literally can’t see the big deal. No problem. Hire a cleaning lady. She knows what to do. A few hours doesn’t cost much, and you don’t have to stress about doing it yourself.

4. Get Comfortable

Hosting a threesome doesn’t have to be complicated. If it’s clean, discreet and private—you’re already there.

Make your space comfortable to be in. Have a playlist for sexy background music. No one wants a greasy meal before a long evening of making love, but some fresh fruit and light snacks are nice during a break. A good bottle of wine is an important touch—have a red and white on hand, as most women have a strong preference for one or the other. Tea and coffee ready to go are important too as not everyone drinks, and it’s helpful for switching gears in the aftermath when guest are getting ready to go home.

Some bachelors and students are short on furniture to accommodate their guests. If that’s you, don’t worry, just keep a clean supply of comfy pillows on hand in the closet and vacuum the floor before tossing them down.  

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