Pros and Cons of Threesome Sex with Roommates

Many of us out there have a rule: no sex with friends. And that rule would definitely include threesomes. But what about sex with roommates? The people you live with but who aren’t necessarily your bosom buddies. They may live totally separate lives than you, other than sharing the same roof.

Now let’s add in outside factors like not getting laid in forever, or not being able to afford dating rituals that are often necessary to get laid that include things like online dating memberships and paying for dinner and a movie.

So let’s say you’re single and feeling horny, and let’s say your roommates feel the same. A threesome now is actually possible, but is it worth it? Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of this three-way arrangement.

Roommate Threesomes: Pros

You Don’t Need to Clean Your Place

When you go on a date with someone you’ve never met, hoping that she’ll come back at the end of the night, you always have to spend the time getting your place hookup ready. The people you live with know what’s what, and a little mess isn’t going to prevent three horny folks from getting it on.

You Don’t Need to Break the Bank

There’s no date planning, there’s no tickets to buy, dinners to reserve, or dessert shops to visit. Maybe you order a bottle of wine or takeout, but the overhead is minimal.

Any Time Is a Good Time

Depending on your sleep cycles, sex with your roomies is possible any time you’re all home. You’ll likely end up in the person’s room with the nicest or biggest bed, and away you go!

Roommate Threesomes: Cons

The Fallout Could Cost You

So, if you’ve been in any threesome, you know they rarely live up to the fantasy you’ve been crafting in your mind since adolescence (hey, just having a threesome in and of itself is awesome), but fucking your friends can be costly. It could get so awkward afterwards that you or they want to move.

You Get to Know more than You Wanted To

Sex brings out things about people you never knew were there. Maybe Maddie has a hard-on for puting things up your ass. Maybe Mike is bi-curious and wants suck your cock. Be prepared for unleashed fantasies, and know your boundaries.

You’re Reputation Is on the Line

When you start mingling with your close-quarter companions, sexual discretion kinda goes out the window. They’ll tell two friends, and they’ll tell two friends, and so on and so on. Not always, but often, especially if they’re just roommates and not close buds.

Would you have threesome sex with roommates if it was possible?

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