How to Increase Your Chances for a Spontaneous Threesome

Threesome… Surprise!

This is for the Advanced Poly Folks in our audience tonight. I want the not-so-advanced folks to one day become advanced, so I encourage them to stick around and listen up!

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Some levels and some things in poly just are not for the faint of heart or the doubtful of mind. It takes confidence, presence, truth, honor and consensual clarity to make it real.

But anything can become real, if it can be thought of in fantasy form.

There are a few limitations such as gravity and legality that determine the limits of lust. Beyond that, it’s not that extravagant to say that the mind is the only end of the possibility of promiscuity, and you should be delighted that the more you explore, the further you can go!

I say all of this to say: someday it will be  your SUPER LUCKY DAY!

How many threesomes have you asked for, and how many threesomes have happened without planning them?

That’s the thing about poly. Not everything is always planned out! That’s a real blessing and sometimes a curse, but WAY MORE OF A BLESSING!

Sometimes, you have to plot, scheme, plan and align lives, cycles, schedules and spaces for something like a threesome to happen between some people. It’s like that.

This is a crapshoot of a gamble of a wish of a hope for all involved, and even if it fails a couple times (or everytime, depending on the integrity of the people being discussed) then it’s just a good thing to keep on trying, and keep on wishing. It’s kinda like sparking sparks over paper and kindling at a bonfire. Eventually, something’s gonna happen!

So yeah, sometimes, you gotta keep trying, and it will happen, or sometimes it happens on the first try of scheduling it. These are good things for anyone to experience.

But even more so, for some, would be the spontaneous threesome, which just falls into a person’s lap (pun intended) sometimes for no reason other than being at the right place at the right time while wearing the right smile.

It’s fortuitious to be the person that is just attractive enough and interesting enough to offer the awesome sauce to more than one serving of flesh? Yes. Oh yes.

And how does one go about making a spontaneous threesome happen for them?

It’s often more about how does one go about NOT FUCKING UP the possibility of a spontaneous threesome when the random and vague chances actually occur?

It’s kinda a chance for someone to let the other people choose it, very often, and you just proving you’re the perfect person to help it happen with!

There are times when it may be fair game for a man to initiate it, but I’m not really that kind of guy, to state the obvious desire to have two women (or men or people of other orientations) at once. Either way, if it’s in the air for it to happen, often you don’t have to do very much or say very much to align the stars and spark the magic!

It’s best to stop when needed to discuss any boundaries that must be communicated or known, but sometimes, it’s not even a full-on sexual threesome, it’s just three friends kissing and hugging each other out of nowhere when they started off just talking and so forth.

Not being too aggressive, desperate, needy or obvious is probably the best vibe to give off. Then after that, just being relaxed, comfortable, cool, funny, vulnerable, chill… that all helps a whole lot.

But being a person who can be trusted, that can be approachable, that can be intellectual as well as sexual interchangeably, and that can be open and honest at all times?

That’s the person that has spontaneous threesomes happen in their lives when the sensual stars are aligned!

Or you can just pay for it, which is always an option too, ha ha. Whatever works for your fun, sexy memories.

Addi Stewart

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