Filming Porn with My Poly Lovers

Some days, you just KNOW it’s one of the BEST DAYS of your LIFE. I had one of those days last week, and I know in my heart of hearts and soul of souls that this day set a standard that I can only dream to maintain and wish for.

I had a super-duper, triple-ripple, dream-team polyamory miracle happen! I was with one of my heavenly lovers who I’ve been poly with for about nine months of perfect joy. We had plans to meet up with another wonderful angel who wanted to film a porn scene with us.

After the requisite conversation, my poly lover grabbed the camera and pressed record while I made passionate love to my new friend! The camera captured everything we ever did for the first time, which was new for me, but definitely a pleasure, and which you will see one day as soon as we release the video, ha ha.

We filmed two powerful sexy scenes, and they were dripping with hot sweaty gloriousness. Then, we took a break and went to go eat in Kensington Market. We talked about the day, how great it felt, how fast friends were forming so awesomely, and how we were going to be honest about any issues that came up, although nothing was really wrong on any level! It was heavenly.

My poly partner and I then said goodbye to this new lover and came back to my place. We exploded all over each other for a few hours of passionate lovemaking, bonding further through the sharing of emotion and trust and beauty we just gave each other earlier that very day.

It was SO sacred of her to trust me and have faith that our relationship would be safe, while I made love to another woman. I LOVE HER for being so open and invested in us and our dream to make porn together—a moment that brought us together, not apart, because there is no competition or comparison.

Love has time and space for everyone! It all depends on who is in front of, or behind, the camera—or both!

Let’s play!
Addi Stewart

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