I was at a super duper awesome play party last night. Hot damn it was maybe the BEST day of sexual interactivity I’ve ever experienced in my blessed and beautiful life… so far!
The levels only get higher, baby—that’s one wonderful discovery that comes from doing sex work on the daily. But, I digress. Last night. WOW was it magnificence embodied in all. About twenty people all gathering to spread love and sex to each other’s heart’s content.
I made love and was amazingly intimate with six women, and some of them were simultaneously sexually sweet to my blessed body! Truly some pornographic magic passion happened, and it was thankfully with a group of people who had no problem doing thirty minutes of pre-play communication and emotional ice-breakers to warm up the newbies and re-acquaint the veterans with the digs. Of course I had been lusty and lucky there before, haha.
We established that we all knew how to express our desires, articulate our boundaries, ask for consent to contact, as well as use sexy eye contact to invite attention.
Once everyone felt comfortable to communicate, cuddle, or crash outside the sexy zones, it was off to the orgasmic races (just engaging the sex drive was enough to get most people to their Happy Place, whether or not their genitals exploded.)
After finishing my second oral sex delight of joy and squirty bliss, I got up to walk around and re-acquaint myself with earthly reality.
I then saw some magical goddess of sexuality reach out to me and request that I provide her with an outlet to practice her oral succulence. I wasn’t busy doing anything, so I said YES PLEASE. Next thing I knew we were in the next room, and she was giving me some of the best fellatio that can happen to a man, jesus and mary my god!
I had to satisfy her pussy for being so good to me, and in the middle of that she looked over and saw two people watching. She said to one of hem, “You have to try this dick! It’s too amazing not to experience.” So what started off as a twosome became a threesome on the fly, and it was a lesson in mega-trust, instant intuition, faith and honesty.
Not everyone in the room was playing, but these two ladies were friends, and in that scenario, the friend of a friend IS MY FRIEND! The connection I had to the next woman who was invited in was drastically different than I had to the first oral sex champion, but it was divine and dear to my heart, since it was inspired by an overflow of lust largesse.
I went to paradise with that pleasantly juicy sex partner before walking around to watch other people play. One thing I noticed is that no other threesome came together in such a frenzied fashion of fun and friendly flexibility.
There was a lot of looking and there were many people not going all the way to Fuckland, just spanking and kissing and sucking or hugging their way to nirvana that night. They are all valid and pleasant paths of intimacy to choose, but they are not the same experience.
To fuck someone is not the same as to hug someone (I like to fuck up close and hug while I’m inside a lover.)
The point is: you never know how some threesomes will come about, and if you can sincerely trust the lovers in your life, then you never know what extra tasty sexual encounters will pile up on your body plate!
Sometimes, there’s lots of cooks in the kitchen willing to serve you… how hungry are you?
Addi Stewart
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