My Learning Curve in Threesomes

I don’t know how many threesomes you’ve had, but I hope you are at the point where you shuffle through your sexual memories in a happy haze, and a giddy feeling because you can’t possibly remember them all.

Even if there aren’t countless memories, hopefully there are at least two threesomes to reflect upon and compare to each other. I speak about group encounters in this instance but it could apply to regular sex as well, though the variables are less spectacular. Unless speaking on a VERY specialized level of desire and attraction, then it’s generally accepted that four breasts and two vulvas, or two dicks, are better than one! But I digress…

Think to your first threesome, then to your last. Did you have more courage? Did you ask for more? Did you speak up when things were a big scrunchy? Did you have the courage to confess when you got tired? Did you admit to forgetting the sex toys, break a promise to someone else who wasn’t there, or cross a condom boundary that you said you weren’t going to cross?

3 Tips to Make Condoms Fun in Threesomes

Things happen during sex. And more things happen when more bodies are involved. I’m not saying to seek out mistakes, I’m just saying that shit happens. And when it does, it’s good to know where the Lysol and mop and extra paper towels are!

I have some fundamental beliefs that operate in almost all aspects of life and love. And one of them is: everyone is basically a giver or a taker. That’s how it goes, Jacks and Jills! Sorry, I didn’t make the rules, I just observe them being played out in existence over and over in slightly different patterns every season of earth’s spinning celebrations.

The giver will approach being in a threesome differently than the taker. They will say, offer, question, and cuddle more than the taker. You get the gist. So, there will be a sexual learning curve to your threesomes—a Loving Curve, if you will. You will gain erotic momentum as you move forward, and you can’t know how far you can go until… shit happens.

An ounce of STI prevention is worth ten pounds of genital itch! There are some problems that can’t be stopped until they are happening flesh to flesh to flesh and face to face to face, but there are others that occur long after the threesome is done, and emotions are curdling and spoiling like bad milk.

You can’t ask for too much too soon—unless you’re a dominant in BDSM and have permission to do such, or it’s your birthday wish come true and you’re allowed to be a little greedy—or you probably won’t be invited back to too many threesomes. People take selfish power trips for all kinds of strange reasons that are beyond me.

Sharing in your first threesome, and in every subsequent group sex encounter, only leads to more sharing. Have as much of a generous yet protective head and heart about it all, and things should go well enough for your dreams to keep on growing and growing and growing.

Hopefully you have as many threesomes as you can dream of!

Good luck,
Addi Stewart

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