My Out-of-Town Threesome

I was on this out-of-town trip, and things got quite heated at the end of the night. I love the prospect of people enjoying visitors from other places, and how open they are to having intimate encounters as quickly as possible. Who needs to wait until the fear dissipates?

There I was on the dance floor when a cute young lady I’ve known for a few months makes herself known to me, being quite open with her attraction and how good our connection felt. I was getting closer and closer to her as we danced the night away.

Then, out of nowhere, her friend came up to me and said some magnificent things that revealed she was either a fan of my music or my pornography, and she knew me before I knew her. This led to us making out on the spot. Kissing and flirty contact and dirty dancing spontaneously unfolded, while I was in the company of the other lady.

The two women were friends, and I was becoming FAST friends with them both. Things were certainly moving in a great direction. But… (I hate the but that can’t be spanked away!) when the night was over and we were outside kissing some more, I said, “I have only one night in town… and we can do whatever you’re ready to do.”

She replied, “Well, I unfortunately don’t have enough time to tell my husband about this, so I don’t think I’ll be able to get him to agree for tonight.”

Alas, we shared some more sexual vibes before I said goodbye to her… for now. I had already enjoyed amazing sex the morning of the trip so I wasn’t urgently craving anything, heh heh. But still, I almost had a threesome on the road trip, either with two women or with a woman and a man. The biggest obstacle to it was not enough preparation time.

Some threesomes need groundwork laid down. Some happen spontaneously without much discussion. And some happen after weeks or months of planning and communication. Either way, I’m pretty sure that the next time I’m visiting, if I see her again… it’s on!

Addi Stewart

What’s your experience with out of town threesomes? Is it best to plan ahead, or do the best threesomes happen spontaneously?

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