Ever have a threesome in two parts? Sometimes, life is funny that way. But sometimes, the funny way is the smartest, fastest, safest, most logical way from Point A to Point B or Point A & B to Point O!
Orgasmville, that is. Population: ALL OF US. But when do we reach Orgasmville? (Don’t be the sexual version of them bratty kids in the back seat of dad’s station wagon, screaming, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” as a frantic mad dash to reach Climax Town is undertaken, going nowhere way too fast). Welp.
There’s this super sexy dude—I’ll call him Eric. This man is beautiful as all get out. Holy shit, every time I see his face, I just have to kiss it. We have a chemistry that is super hella crazy rare for me to find with another man, and we are always delighted by each other on sight—every time. Instant kisses and happy hugs everywhere.
I recently went to a splendid shindig where sex was being served to all those who came with a sexy friend. This party was not something I expected to make an appearance at, since it was last minute decision-making at its most haphazardly slapdash, but I found my little ass at this private covert affair.
Who do I see within the first five minutes? Eric—my sexy dude. I loved it. We sucked face. It was great. But who was he with? Someone DAZZLING. A petite brunette firecracker with diamonds in her eyes is smiling at me. So I smile back, of course. Manners maketh the man.
Upstairs, about fifteen minutes later, the music is bumping and thumping on the dance floor cray cray like. So I start dancing with friends, sharing energy, yadda yadda. I see Eric, and I make out with him again while his lovely date is watching us.
I was insanely attracted to her, but I felt like it wasn’t the right place to take it further. Restraint can reward, please believe it. Immediately after, she took him from my loving embrace, and disappeared. I was full of compersion and kept doing my thing.
Not long after, she came back, looking for me. Funny how that works—I actually was looking for her! I even went to the play area to ask them if I could join them in a little triad treat. They were not to be found, but I turned that frown upside down when she came back to find me, hair all mussed up.
After a good hot thirty seconds of dancing, our first kiss exploded into our dream lives, and I did what any upstanding gentleman would do: request the presence of m’lady upstairs where we could jump out of our clothing into something a little more comfortable, like a condom.
What occurred next was the stuff of porn legend. The sex we had was phenomenally fucking fireballs hot to watch, visible in mirrors and by voyeurs about. The fact that we went two full rounds of fucking on top of all manner of foreplay, only cemented the notion that this was some irresistible form of destiny at work.
I would have cherished either possibility—having sex with Eric and her, or just having sex with her. I ain’t mad at that or this, this or that. I just get sad at some of the sex that doesn’t happen, especially when first base has already happened with a guy who I like and who likes me!
Maybe next time we all might do it together. Ha ha. I love my life and all my lovers!
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