The Polyamory Gateway to Group Sex

In my enlightened and ignorant and educated and innocent mind: polyamory is kinda the logical manifestation and beautiful extension of any and every erotic inquiry.

Polyamory is the possibility of every and any intimate excursion into affection and connection, ESPECIALLY if this curious exploration is a creation that is born outside of the pre-existing structures of monogamy and matrimony—the fundamental forces guiding human relationships… for now.

One of the many wonderful benefits of polyamory, is not feeling constricted to hiding one’s true emotions from anyone. If you feel like you like someone, it’s safe to say it! It’s not safe or logical to expect that the other person likes you back, or has to respond positively to your admiration—that’s just childish fantasy. But it’s NICE when your crush on someone actually does happen to coincide with their crush on you.

The real icing on the hot-body poly cake is: THE MOMENT YOU LEARN THAT SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY POLY. Then it’s safe to start gushing your fucking heart out to them about your poly truth and poly feelings!

I don’t bother telling women who are monogamous how I feel about them, for the most part. If I know that they require exclusivity, then I don’t even THINK of asking them out on a date or to be intimate. Exclusivity is not something that I want to promise ANYONE.

I recently met a super cutie pie. As we were enjoying our first conversation, first hug, and first moment together, I learned that she has a partner who is also poly. And even though I didn’t ask for it, didn’t suggest it, or didn’t push for it… I could FEEL the attraction swirling around all three of us. I was into one lady who was into another lady, and that other lady seemed to be into me—things all felt super lovely.

I left the event sharing a very passionate hug and moment with the first lady, and I held on to the distant, yet possible gamble of a hope on a dream hitched to a star, that if things felt right with the first lovely angel who I connected to, and she was already with another lovely angel, that maybe we could all have a threesome together one day?

I would cherish that beyond words and hugs and kisses and other wild fun…

With hope in my happy heart,
Addi Stewart

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