7 Tips for Choosing Dating Profile Pics for Couples

Most people who have online dating profiles are singles looking for a date, a hookup, or something more long term. But couples create profiles too.

If you identify as a polyamoros couple or are in an non-monogamous relationship, you may enjoy group sex once in a while or even regularly. Most adventurous couples understand the drawbacks of choosing a third from their friends and acquaintances, and opt to use niche online dating sites like FindaThreesome.com or CouplesDating.com to find the right match.

Perhaps the most important factor of creating a dating profile is choosing the right pictures that will catch the eye of a potential third. And a close runner up is your dating profile bio that will back up the beauty they see.

Tips for Choosing Profile Pics

1. Pick at Least Five Photos

People can get a good sense of you from pictures. I always get annoyed when someone only has one or two, especially if they are blurry or shot from a distance. I would suggest using two pics that feature you and your partner together, and two individual ones.

2. Make Sure They Look Like You

This may sound funny, but sometimes people choose an ultra flattering picture that actually doesn’t look like them because of lighting or angles or something else. Use a friend or your partner to be the judge of what you post.

3. Show Different Sides

Maybe you choose a photo where the two of you are dressed to the nines for a special event, and another where you’re in pajamas sitting around a campfire. Express different sides of yourselves when deciding what to post.

4. Pick Photos with Details.

They say that pictures tell a thousand stories, and that is certainly true when they have many details within them. When I look at photos on dating sites, I’m looking for any information within it that will tell me more about a person. For instance, there might be a cat in the background and that will tell me you don’t have allergies to felines and that you enjoy the company of animals—you get the picture!

5. Use Current Pictures.

We age, we change size and shape, and we alter our fashion and style as time goes by. Sure, you may have looked better three years ago before you put on that ten pounds, but deception isn’t a good look. Where you are now is where it’s at.

6. Choose One Good Close-Up.

If you’re a ten, then this isn’t an issue, but most of us aren’t. And that’s okay. Make sure there’s one close-up of you and one of your partner, preferably smiling because the brooding serious look gives off an angry vibe to most women.

7. Update Your Photos Regularly.

So much in our lives change so often that it’s easy to forget to update our profiles. As someone who has been a regular online dater, there are many men’s profiles I go back to that I’m close to messaging but not quite there yet. You never know what small difference can grab someone like me.

I hope this helps you and your partner when creating your dating profile or updating the one you already have. Good luck finding a third!

What kinds of photos do you use to attract others to your profile?

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