Sexy Woman in Garters with Man

How to Keep Your Threesomes Casual

You’re already having hot threesomes with all kinds of gorgeous women: flight attendants, cheerleaders, and the entire office typing pool. However, while

Two Women Kissing

The Polyamory Gateway to Group Sex

In my enlightened and ignorant and educated and innocent mind: polyamory is kinda the logical manifestation and beautiful extension of any and

Woman with Finger to Lips

My Crazy Threesome Fantasies

Threesomes being the number one fantasy, why not take your fantasies to another level entirely. Let me share a few group sex

Woman in Thong

5 Strap-On Tips for Threesomes

Some people think strap-ons are only for lesbians, gals who want vaginal penetration without the man that comes attached. Not so, my