How to Boost Your Sexual Confidence

Ever wonder what some guys know that you don’t? We all know men who seem to meet women, enjoy sex, and have the hottest threesomes, without every worrying about anything. They might be extremely attractive, but they might just be ordinary dudes, yet the ladies always call them back. These guys have options and often get two girls at once.

If you think about it, you probably already know how these guys differ from the others: they have sexual confidence. You want that for yourself, but you just don’t seem to be the sort.

Well, here’s what you might not know: only a few men are born with it. Sexual confidence is more like a skill than an innate trait for most people, and that means you can work on yours. The smartest men will observe sexually confident men and see what qualities and skills they nurture and practice in themselves, instead of complaining that everyone else gets all the babes.

Use your sense of humor.

You may want to keep blaming women for your problems, rather than your abrasive personality. You may want to keep blaming whatever perceived shortcoming in your appearance is a bigger issue than it is, even though it’s really because you’re not that fun to be around.

Don’t take my word for it: Google it, read a men’s magazine, hell, read a woman’s magazine. Everywhere there’s a survey about what women look for in men, what women want more of, and over and over again it’s the same thing: sense of humor.

So lighten up, loosen up, learn to laugh at yourself, and ease the pressure from HER anxieties by being playful. You don’t have to be a stand-up comedian or tell jokes while she’s riding you. Just take a more playful approach to life and be willing to see the funny side more often.

Be generous in bed.

The authentically confident man gets his main supply of confidence and pleasure by GIVING those things in spades.

It’s amazing what happens when a man puts a woman first, above his own excitement or greed. He’s rewarded by how turned on she gets, and by her return calls and requests for future hookups. This means more confidence. See how this works?

Be the best you can be.

You don’t want to emulate someone else, pretend you’re someone you’re not, and you can’t change the size of your penis or your nose. Nor can you predict a woman’s taste or preferences.

That said, if you just can’t be bothered with caring for your self—your body, your equipment, your teeth, your car, your clothes, your sheets, your bathroom—why bother having sex at all?

Approach lots of women.

The sexually confident man doesn’t have to dwell on dating rejection or an unpleasant experience. Not getting a callback from the cutie patootie brunette on your favorite dating site hardly matters when you accept that some women simply won’t like you or are busy or looking for something else. You can move on from a blunder or a ho-hum threeway knowing the odds mean you win some and lose some.

The sexually confident man never sees a situation that doesn’t work as failure. He knows he gave it his best shot, and there are other women waiting.

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