Tips for Texting Women You Meet Online

Texting is the modern form of flirting and if you want to get women into your heart, or at least into your bed, you have to learn to play the game with a little savvy. Much of it comes with practice and patience. So let’s say you get a woman’s digits after meeting online, how do you proceed?

Start with simple questions. “How’s it going?” or “What are your plans this weekend?” will do. Get her talking about herself, and take an interest. Make sure that you always ask another question to keep the conversation going. If you just send statements, it’s easy for her to drop the exchange. Focus on her, and she will feel more comfortable opening up.

Leave your answers playfully vague. There’s nothing wrong with flirty little mysteries left for her to try and figure out. This may well get her thinking about what you said and have her spending time thinking about it away from her phone. The more real estate you occupy in her mind the better.

Don’t answer right away. This has a double effect. First, you don’t seem desperate. Second, it gives you a chance to think up a witty reply. This doesn’t include anything graphically sexual though (you will have plenty of time for that later.) My rule of thumb is to wait twice the length of time it took her to respond to you.

Dust cold shoulders. A woman may pretend she doesn’t remember you when you use her number. She may act cold, or change plans, or flake on you. If she is being cold, try to playfully scold her. Ask if she’s this mean to everybody she gives her number to, or is she making a special case of you? Never be disrespectful or insulting, and if she continues to flake, take a hint and move on.

Be prepared for rejection. There are a million personalities out there. Some women respond to flirty, witty banter, and some don’t. If your plans to meet or hook up fall flat, don’t force the issue. Meeting women online for group sex isn’t easy, so you need to build your dating confidence through experience, and yes, this includes rejection.

p.s. I have had the greatest success texting women who are long-distance (or when I’m travelling). The distance seems to lower defenses, and the (re)unions are often hot and spicy.

*Use emojis, text abbreviations or acronyms if it will help clarify or simplify anything that could be misinterpreted.

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