My Top 5 Sex Toys and Accessories for Threesomes

Threesomes are in the realm of sexual infinity. Orgies really are, but to be honest they don’t happen that often unless you’re a very fortunate and hardworking sexy person. It’s much easier to get a threesome going, especially with so many online dating sites that cater to threesome hookups.

You literally can ask for it and lay out your boundaries on any number of sites, and there’s a strong chance you will get a reply in a decent amount of time, if all things are cool with how you approach the situation. That being said, there’s not only one infinity for a person to explore—that’s the fun thing about life! This includes adding fun toys and accessories to your threesomes to take things to even higher levels.

There are so many sex toys out there, and they are all very different. One really must throw oneself into the ocean to see what’s going on. But that doesn’t mean diving deep head first. No, I mean walking confidently into the waters, or dipping your toes in to feel it out. What I’m really trying to say is: you can’t just dream about having toy fun, you have to DO it for yourself.

There’s nothing saying you can’t take a ten-inch dildo and just cuddle with it. You can do whatever you want. But there’s a certain logic one probably wants to adhere to when exploring toys—don’t bite off more than you can chew. Your body isn’t going anywhere, so don’t rush it!

My Top 5 Sex Toys and Accessories for Threesomes

1. Strap-On and Harness

The strap-on dildo is amazing because it gives women, trans, and enby people the chance to experience and offer penetration to those who might not have ever felt it, or to those who want it from a non-flesh penis. Strap-ons add dimension and variety to the fun and games of sex, and can be fitted with a variety of insertables to add or subtract length, girth, and texture.

It can also be a fun accessory for playing around with gender, or playing a dominant role with your threesome lovers.

2. Ropes and Ties

Tying each other together can lead to a very fun night, trust me. And you don’t need to be a professional at Shibari either, as long as at least one of you has some experience with bondage you should be good to go. Lite bondage is a great way to explore power dynamics with dominant and submissive roles.

If you’re just starting out, I suggest tying silk scarves or ties loosely around limbs, just to get the feel of things.

3. Floggers

This is a very special instrument, and I’ve been in threesomes where two of us are being flogged at the same time on the bum, while our third is administering the pleasure of the pain. It’s awesome, fun, delightful, and unique. And it’s something I want more of! With the right length, you can certainly share a flogger with all the people involved. Trust me, I’ve felt the fire!

As with any endeavor into BDSM, you’ll want partners you trust, as well as safe words for safety precaution.

4. Paddles and Palms

I believe there are a lot of guys (and people in general) that don’t know the pleasure of being spanked properly with a nice firm leather paddle. In a playful but firm manner, spanking can be so stimulating and soothing and truly transcendent.

You can experiment with your hands, before buying an actual paddle or other spanking tools, to see if you and your cohort enjoy the feel. There’s something that happens when being spanked with a firm hand or object, and maybe even a second hand, that takes things to a place like no other.

5. Magic Wands

Did I save the best for last? Well, it is the world’s most popular sex toy for a reason! The magic wand is like having an extra dick with a huge clit on the end of it, for lack of a better description. And a threesome can always use another magic wand, yes?

It’s very efficient in providing orgasms to vaginas, very often. So, when you want a threesome to go all night, a wand can help to conserve the energy of one or more partners, depending on your group-sex configuration.

I’ve employed all these toys and accessories in multiple threesomes, and have enjoyed them thoroughly. These sexy possibilities have been vetted for your orgasmic, passion-increasing approval rating, and I hope you’ll try them all!

Sincerely yours,
Adhimu Stewart

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